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Facts About the New Mysterious Dog Disease: What Urbana, IL Dog Owners Should Know

Have you seen recent news coverage about a puzzling new respiratory illness that is impacting

Holidays With Fluffy

Season’s Greetings! Holiday events and decorations are definitely taking center stage this month. Our feline

Safe And Unsafe Treats For Fido

Can you believe that it’s almost Thanksgiving? Food is a huge part of the autumn

Tips For Having Company And Pets

Believe it or not, the holidays are just around the corner. Thanksgiving is just a

Fall With Fluffy

Autumn is officially here. This is a beautiful time of year: the air is crisp

6 Ways To Keep Your Pet Trim

October 11th is Pet Obesity Awareness Day. Obesity is extremely common among our four-legged friends

Doodle Dog Day

Is your canine buddy a Doodle? Mark your calendar for September 22nd: it’s Doodle Dog

Adorable Signs Your Cat Is Happy

It’s Happy Cat Month! Fortunately for us, it isn’t hard to please our feline overlords.

Blind Dog Day

August 23rd is Blind Dog Day. This is an international awareness campaign, which both celebrates
Beagle with brown, black, and white fur

Tips For Having Pets With Roommates

The number of adults with roommates has been climbing steadily since the 90’s. There’s almost
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