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Good Friends Animal Hospital

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Professional Care You Can Trust in Urbana, IL & Champaign, IL

We provide veterinary services for every stage in your pet’s life to a lifetime of preventive care.


A Special Place for your Four-Legged Friend

The bond between humans and their animal companions cannot be understated. These precious souls bring us infinite joy, provide us fierce loyalty, and show us the meaning of unconditional love. That’s why it’s so important that we do everything within our power to ensure that they enjoy as many happy, healthy years as possible.

At Good Friends Animal Hospital, we consider it a true honor to play a role in this important endeavor. We are a full service veterinary hospital offering comprehensive medical, dental, surgical and urgent care services to the people and pets of the Urbana, IL & Champaign, IL communities. 

More importantly, we administer that care in way that is gentle and reassuring. Our doctors and support staff are skilled at calming even the most anxious of pets. As a Cat-Friendly practice, we are especially adept at working with feline patients. We’ll do whatever it takes to earn your pet’s trust, because we know that’s the key to providing the best possible care.

Are you a pet parent in the Urbana, IL & Champaign, IL areas who is in the market for a new vet? If so, we invite you to stop in and see what we’re all about! Meet the team, tour our facility and experience for yourself what a difference our compassionate, personalized care truly can make.

Call or stop by any time. We can’t wait to meet you!

Cat Friendly Practice

The Cat Friendly Practice® program is a global initiative designed to elevate care for cats by reducing stress and making visits easier for cats and caregivers. As a Cat Friendly Practice, Good Friends takes extra steps to provide the best care and experience for you and your cat.

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Urgent Care Appointments

As a loving pet parent, you never want to see your animal family member in any kind of distress. Unfortunately, unexpected illnesses and sudden accidents can occur at any time. At Good Friends Animal Hospital, we want you to know that you’ve got a dedicated team of experienced professionals in your corner.


Provide individual care and support to each person and pet we serve

Your pet is a special part of the family. As such, you want to do everything within your power to keep him or her happy and healthy. The team at our Practicel would be honored to partner with you in achieving this worthy goal. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive system of care that’s designed to support your companion’s wellbeing through every stage of life. Whether it’s a first round of vaccines or specialized geriatric care, we’ll be there every step of the way.

Special Offer!

Call 217-344-1017 to reserve your

“Nose to Tail Exam”

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Meet the Veterinary Hospital “Pet Crazy” team

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Receive a full “Nose to Tail” physical exam

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Determine the current vaccine status

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Ask all questions you would love to know

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And much much more…

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FAQs About Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth

Gum disease affects up to 90% of dogs over the age of three. Fido may also have other dental concerns. Misalignment, abscesses, infections, and cracked or shattered teeth are all potential issues that our canine…

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