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FAQs About Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth

Gum disease affects up to 90% of dogs over the age of three. Fido may

Taking Your Senior Cat to the Veterinary Clinic

Cats generally reach their senior years at approximately eleven years old. Nowadays, kitties often enjoy

Heartworm Awareness Month: Turning Awareness into Pet Protection

Heartworm Awareness Month falls in April, sharing the spotlight with National Brunch, Pecan, and Poetry

Helping Your New Pet Settle In

Are you planning on adopting a new pet soon? Congratulations! Welcoming a new pet into

Dogs Suffering From Allergies

Did you know that up to one in every five of our canine pals may

Doggy Brainpower: Just How Intelligent Is Fido?

Some of our canine companions are incredibly intelligent. The average dog can understand over 100

Preparing Your Pet For House Calls: Tips From A Urbana, IL Mobile Vet

Have you ever wished that doctors would go back to making house calls? These were

Keeping Your Cat Healthy – Tips From A Champaign, IL Veterinarian

February is an important month for our feline friends. Many of this month’s kitty awareness

Answering Your Kitty’s Questions 

You may have noticed that here at Good Friends Animal Hospital, we like celebrating all

Commit to Pet Happiness in 2024

Amidst the excitement of new beginnings, remember to include your pet in your resolutions for
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