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Apartment Cat Care Tips

November 1 2021

Do you and your feline friend live in an apartment? Kitties make great pets for those who live in smaller spaces. Fluffy doesn’t need much room, and she usually is both clean and quiet. However, your cute pet does still need great TLC to thrive. An Urbana, IL veterinarian discusses cat care for apartment dwellers below.

Veterinary Care

Speaking of veterinarians, make sure Fluffy sees hers regularly. Your feline buddy should be fixed, microchipped, and current on her vaccines and parasite control. Regular exams are also important. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.


Enrichment and entertainment are just as important for cats as they are for people. Fluffy will need lots of toys to amuse herself with. Give her some she can use safely by herself, and others that you can use to play with her.


Fluffy will definitely appreciate a comfy window seat with a good view. Make sure that your windows and screens close securely. If you have blinds, you may need to replace them with another window covering. Otherwise, your furball will probably just go through them.


Indoor cats don’t get as much activity or stimulation as those who are allowed outside, and they can sometimes get, well, a bit chubby. That doesn’t mean you should let Fluffy roam: kitties are much safer and healthier indoors. Just take care not to overfeed the furball. Even giving your feline pal just ten calories too much each day can cause her to gain a pound a year!


Does Fluffy stay home alone while you go to work? Leave a light on for her if you’ll be out after dark. Your kitty may also appreciate having a TV or radio playing. Keep the climate control going, too!


Plants can give any place a cozy, welcoming look. They also help with litterbox odors, and give Fluffy a little taste of nature. Set out some nontoxic options for your furry buddy to sniff at and nibble on. Check the ASPCA site here for suggestions.

Vertical Space

Fluffy doesn’t mind ‘borrowing’ your sofa or couch, but it’s good for her to have things all of her own. Look for things that take up vertical room, rather than floor space. Cat towers are a great example of this!

Our Advice on Apartment Cat Care Tips in 2024

How can apartment dwellers ensure proper ventilation and air quality for their cats?

Apartment dwellers can ensure proper ventilation and air quality for their cats by regularly opening windows to allow fresh air to circulate, provided that the windows have secure screens to prevent escapes. Additionally, using air purifiers can help remove airborne contaminants and allergens from indoor spaces. It’s important to maintain a clean environment by vacuuming frequently and changing air filters as recommended. For apartments where opening windows frequently isn’t an option, consider investing in a high-quality HVAC system with good filtration capabilities to keep the air clean and fresh.

What are the recommended dimensions and features of a cat’s litter box in an apartment setting, and how often should it be cleaned?

For apartment settings, a cat’s litter box should be at least 1.5 times the length of the cat from nose to tail base, allowing ample room for movement. The box should have low sides for easy access, especially for kittens or older cats, and high sides or a covered design to contain litter scatter. It is recommended to clean the litter box daily by removing clumps and solid waste, and to completely change the litter and sanitize the box every one to two weeks to maintain hygiene and prevent odors.

What are some creative and space-efficient solutions for storing cat food, litter, and other supplies in an apartment with limited storage options?

In apartments with limited storage, creative, space-efficient solutions are essential for storing cat food, litter, and supplies. Utilize vertical space by installing shelves or cabinets high up on walls for items that aren’t used daily. Opt for multi-functional furniture, such as an ottoman or bench with hidden storage to keep supplies out of sight but easily accessible. Under-bed storage containers can be used for bulk items like litter or large bags of food. Also, consider stackable, airtight containers that keep food fresh and maximize limited cupboard or closet space.

How can apartment dwellers safely introduce a new cat to their existing pets?

Apartment dwellers can safely introduce a new cat to existing pets by following a gradual acclimatization process. Start by keeping the new cat in a separate room with its own food, water, and litter box. Allow the pets to sniff each other under the door to get accustomed to each other’s scents. Gradually introduce face-to-face interactions in controlled, short sessions while supervised. Use positive reinforcement like treats and praise to encourage calm behavior. Continue these controlled meetings, increasing duration over time until the pets appear comfortable together.

What are some common health issues that indoor cats living in apartments may face due to their limited exposure to natural light?

Indoor cats living in apartments with limited exposure to natural light may face several health issues. A significant concern is Vitamin D deficiency, as cats typically obtain Vitamin D through their diet, but sunlight can play a supportive role. Lack of natural light can also lead to disrupted circadian rhythms, affecting sleep patterns and overall behavior. Additionally, limited sunlight exposure might contribute to depression or lethargy in some cats. To mitigate these issues, provide environmental enrichment, such as access to window sills for sunlight and interactive play to keep them active and engaged.

Do you have questions about cat care? Call us, your Urbana, IL animal clinic, anytime!

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