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Senior Cat Care

February 15 2022

Did you know that cats are considered seniors as early as age seven? Of course, Fluffy tends to age slowly and gracefully. There are plenty of ten and even 12 year-old cats that still think of themselves as kittens! Of course, your cute pet will need some extra TLC as she grows older. Read on for some tips from a Champaign, IL vet on caring for an older feline.


Small touches will go a long way towards keeping your furball comfy. Soft beds are of course a must. Keep Fluffy in mind when you rearrange things or buy new furniture. Opt for soft, overstuffed chairs and couches, so your cat can relax on the back or arms.


As your feline buddy gets older, jumping and climbing will get more difficult for her. Set out pet ramps or stairs—or even footstools—to help your kitty reach her favorite spots. If your home has more than one level, keep extra litterboxes and water bowls on every floor. That way, your furball won’t have to use the stairs every time she gets thirsty or needs to use the litterbox.


Senior cats often have a hard time keeping up with their beauty rituals. Help Fluffy out with this by gently brushing her. Brushing her will keep her coat free of tangles, which will keep her from feeling itchy.


It will be good for Fluffy to let her inner kittens out sometimes. Take a few minutes a day to hold a wand toy or laser pointer for her. Even if she taps out after a few halfhearted swipes, the exercise and stimulation will still be good for her. Plus, she’ll know that you’re doing something to please her, which will make her feel happy and loved.


If you used to let Fluffy out, it’s time to ground her. She may not be able to escape potential threats, like cars or stray dogs. Older cats are also at risk of getting lost, as they sometimes forget how to get home. Keep your furry friend indoors!


Your feline friend will go through changes as she ages. This may be confusing and scary to her. Make sure that Fluffy knows she is safe. Pay lots of attention to her, and keep that little motor going!

Do you have questions about senior cat care? Contact us, your Champaign, IL animal clinic!

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